Quick Facts


Little Lark is a family-run cooperative preschool that meets in the Imago Dei Central City “Ankeny Building” on 1302 SE Ankeny Street between 13th and 14th Avenue.

Pre-K Class

  • Age 3-5 years old by September

  • Must be potty trained

  • Meets T W Th | 9am-12:30pm

  • Tuition: $300-325/month

  • 12 students to 2-3 adults


  • Supplies: $50

  • Deposit: $150

  • Fundraising: $150

Parent Participation

  • Volunteer at school ~1 time per month

  • Volunteer on a team

  • Attend 2 work nights per year

  • Attend ~monthly meetings

  • Participate in fundraisers



Please submit an individual application for each child and send a non-refundable $50 application fee for each application to:

Little Lark Preschool
1302 SE Ankeny St.
Portland, OR 97214