Pre-K Class
Lead Teacher Chelsea



The Pre-K classroom prepares students socially and academically for their entry into Kindergarten. Children will learn to become a social member of a larger group outside of their immediate family by separating from parents, following directions from teachers, sharing, and caring for others.



  • Children 3 years old by September

  • 14 Preschoolers to 2 Adults

  • 1 rotating parent volunteer

  • Meets Tues., Wed., Thurs. 9am - 12:30 pm


9:00am Drop-off

9:00-9:30am Run Around Room

9:30-10:00am Welcome Circle

10:00-10:20am Group Activity

10:20-11am Activity Time + Snack

11:00-11:40am Gym Time

11:40-12:00pm Activity Time

12:00-12:20pm Lunch

12:20-12:30 pm Goodbye Circle

12:30 pick up


Littles Class

On hiatus for the 2024 - 2025 school year.



Developmentally, your child's emotional work is to figure out whether or not their world is trustworthy. Though they won't consciously remember this work, their beliefs about the world and themselves will be built upon this foundation. It's very important work. By attending preschool they have an opportunity to grow in their capacity to trust. They will learn to trust that you leave, but you always come back. They will learn to trust other adults you have chosen, they will learn to feel safe and even playful and curious in other environments besides their home. This is an important step in their growth as people. As parents and teachers, we will provide routine, comfort and care, and structure to help them do this work.


  • Children 18 months old by September

  • 12 Littles to 3 Adults

  • 1-2 rotating parent volunteers

  • Meets Tues. & Thurs. 9am - 12:30pm
